Helping Others

Helping Others

Helping others brings immeasurable joy 😊
A dear friend owns this super cute pottery studio that provides a fun, creative & safe space for our community to explore our creative sides.

When Juliette shared she was going for a much needed family vacation celebrating her daughter's 18th birthday, I asked how can I help?
I think we can all relate to feeling like we're in it alone yet have a hard time asking for help. Being able to give Juliette a few days of peace of mind knowing her shop is well loved and taken care of fills me with such joy. 🥰
So let me plant a seed in you by asking who can you offer your help to today?🌷
Love 💜 & Light ✨️
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1 comment

This is such a wonderful sentiment. Thanks for your eloquence and indepth.

melora church

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