Wheel of Life life balance exercise

The Wheel of Life - An Eye Opening Exercise

The Wheel of Life exercise is a valuable tool I like to revisit every six months. It offers a visual representation of how balanced (or imbalanced) my life is at the current moment.

For this wheel of life I have included these eight key areas:

  • Health
  • Relationships
  • Self-Care
  • Finances
  • Time Management
  • Fun
  • Giving Back
  • Career

Let's get started with the Wheel of Life exercise using the printout provided below. (PDF only shows on desktop devices)
Follow these steps to complete the exercise:

  • Take a moment to reflect on each aspect of your life. Being fully honest with yourself, rate each of the above 8 areas of your life from 1 - 10.    1 being very dissatisfied   10 being fully satisfied
  • Find the line corresponding to the first area, such as Health, and count outward to match the rating you gave yourself.
    For example, if you rated your health as an 8, count out eight lines from the center along the Health line and mark that point.
  • Move on to the next area, such as Relationships, and repeat the process.
  • Count out the number of lines corresponding to your rating and mark that point on the respective line.
  • Once you've plotted all your ratings, connect the dots to create a line around the circle.
  • This line represents your Wheel of Life, with each point indicating your level of satisfaction in each area.
  • Step back and take some time to observe your completed Wheel of Life.
  • Reflect on what your Wheel of Life reveals about your current state of balance and fulfillment.
  • Identify areas where you're thriving and areas that may need more attention or improvement.
  • Based on your reflections, set specific, achievable goals for areas where you want to see improvement.
  • Break down these goals into actionable steps and create a plan to work towards them.
  • Use the Wheel of Life as a tool for ongoing self-assessment and growth.
  • Regularly revisit your Wheel to track your progress and adjust your goals as needed.
  • Celebrate your achievements and milestones along the way.
  • Remember that balance is a journey, not a destination, and each step forward brings you closer to a more fulfilling life.


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